2 Agustin de Foxa
New contract in Agustín de Foxá Street.
STRUNOR has been awarded a new contract to work on the envelope of the new office building being built on Calle Agustín de Foxá in Madrid.
In the heart of the capital’s skyline, this new building has been designed by architect Pedro Sentieri for Group RKV. With this new building, the architect completes a magnificent complex in the Plaza Castilla, as he is also the designer of the two hotels that flank both sides of the Castellana at its junction with Agustín de Foxá St..
The facade of 4-10 Agustín de Foxá will preserve the aesthetics of the adjacent buildings. It will present over 5,000 sqm of stick curtain wall with glazing bonded to a carrier frame and open joints, and incorporates some 460 windows projected windows.